Indonesia Interior Design Concept That Will Become New Trend In Year 2017

Trend is a thing that is held by many people in a certain period of time. Trend is usually used to call things that are popular in the community. Fashion, music, to interior design are some things that usually never get out of the trend. At the beginning of this new year, usually many people who predicted approximately what kind of trend will be popular in this year. For Indonesian interior design, the trend that may be popular in the community is metropolitan style or green design.

The metropolitan style is forecasted to be a new trend in the world of Indonesian interior design. This metropolitan style has a dynamic lifestyle display in urban areas by not forgetting the stylish elements. This metropolitan style greatly emphasizes the comfort and effectiveness of furniture. Almost similar to modern interior design but this metropolitan style is much influenced by urban art that will make this design look more dynamic. Room design is also expected to be a trend in the year 2017 is a green interior design. Green design is an interior design room that prioritizes energy efficiency and environmentally friendly. Environmental issues are becoming a hot topic and become the main global issue today. The invitation to contribute to environmental sustainability makes things eco friendly to a new kind of lifestyle in the community. This is reflected by the increasingly popular cycling habits to apply environmentally friendly interior design. This environmentally friendly interior design was created to reduce energy consumption but did not eliminate the impression of aesthetics.

Examples of the application of environmentally friendly interior design is to install energy saving lamps, the use of materials made of metal, reducing the use of wood furniture, and so forth. As for the metropolitan design, you can apply dynamic colors to the walls, using urban art decoration, and installing modern nuances of furniture. The trend in Indonesia’s interior design is unpredictable, but this review can give a little idea of ​​the design interior trend that might become popular in the community.

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